1848 Redux: the rulers in western countries have criminalized freedom

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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. (Thomas Jefferson)

Beginning in the spring of 1848, the people in various European countries – Saxony, Sicily, France, Hungary, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Baden, Austria, Württemberg, etc. – decided that they had had enough of the ruling elites’ repressive, autocratic crap and revolted against their rule. In some places, the people were successful in snatching reforms from the frightened rulers while in other places they were crushed. It did not occur to the people at that time (except for the French, who had plenty of experience in this) to altogether jettison the arrogant elitists. Nonetheless, the inevitable was postponed and, decades later, most of the elitist rulers were out on the streets.

Today, the people of western Europe, North America and Australia find themselves in a similar intolerable situation. The rulers in those countries have criminalized freedom. The rulers see their citizens with contempt, as the enemy, and they have a deep hatred for their culture, their religion and even the very country that they rule. This is simply a cult of suicide, one of many throughout history, although they would never admit it to others or even to themselves. Furthermore, citizens are vaguely aware that the elitists are also undermining the prosperity and the economy of those countries through various economic subterfuges, although they are not sure how.

Additionally, the people of western countries have only recently started to become slowly aware that the existing political parties are almost identical to each other and that the differences are usually of personalities, not policies (just like the news outlets that all promote the same socio-political views – in all the countries). Occasionally, though, a particular issue comes up which momentarily differentiates political parties (e.g., Brexit), whereupon after resolution they resume being identical.

The people of western Europe have seen their elitist rulers welcoming invaders – so-called “immigrants,” “refugees” – by the tens of thousands (regardless of their citizens’ wishes) who, in turn have gone about committing violent crimes, from the murder of children to cannibalism, to the point that those citizens are afraid to step out of their homes. These invaders have vandalized respected buildings and statues, desecrated religious places of worship, have insulted and physically bullied the citizens of those countries, and told the citizens that they plan to take over their country and destroy everything that is sacred. Their neighborhoods are trashed or changed beyond recognition to the point that people often voice that they feel like they are the foreigners in another country – inside their own country. All the while the elitist traitors, aided by the propaganda outlets called the media, and using the weapon of cultural relativism, tell the citizens to put up with it and shut up, and that by doing so, by being sheep, they are being idealistic and noble, while those who resist are racists and neo-Nazis and fascists, and are persecuted. Or jailed. As such, citizens who love their country and their culture are being attacked by two enemies: the actual invaders and the elitist traitors.

Before continuing, for perspective, let me briefly digress to cite Jean-François Revel’s superb “Anti-Americanism”, regarding the Muslim immigrants inside France: “The French-style policy of favoritism towards a minority has been stretched so far that the authorities find it almost normal that there are several million people living in France who don’t consider themselves subject to the laws of the land.” And: “while it stridently claims to be discriminated against, it is itself deeply xenophobic and racist.” The same is true for Britain. A pattern that recurs again and again in various countries experiencing Muslim immigration is that when they are small in number, they put forth the image of being “jes’ plain folks,” aided by native sympathizers, but when they get to be a sizeable number they begin to make demands, they snarl and threaten, and they ultimately become dangerous.

On top of that, along came Covid, aka the Wuhan virus, aka the CCP virus, which gave the various government upper-level traitors to begin criminalizing freedom. Essentially, they copied the initial reaction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by implementing a societal “temporary” lockdown. This was followed by prohibitions from attending schools, worshipping in churches and temples, gathering for celebrations or social gatherings or protests – “superspreaders”(unless the gatherings were to further leftists’ riots or the political agenda of the leftist rulers), going to the beaches and parks with or without accompanying persons. Everyone was ordered to wear useless face masks, and panic was constantly and deliberately being fanned by the propaganda outlets, primarily television, where one got the impression that people were collapsing from Covid left and right and it was going to be the end of the world.

Those that did not conform, that saw through the farce were demonized and even physically assaulted by the righteous, and legislature and edicts passed against them by their governments. A de facto Covid apartheid has been establish in these countries in order to divide the people against each other. Eventually, a growing number of people began to realize the fraud being perpetrated and mass demonstrations began in Italy, France, Germany, Canada, Austria, Greece, Australia, the UK, Romania, Slovakia, Holland, even Switzerland and Estonia (those months-long demonstrations have been censored by almost all the American media, so that the American people do not get any ideas). They were at times met with violence, either by the authorities, or by groups of leftists. In Sweden, it has gotten to the science-fiction level, where the citizen-cattle are being implanted with a microchip. In Australia, the violence by the regime has steadily increased to the point of establishing concentration camps. The media in all those countries minimized attendance of the demonstrations, censored or demonized the nonconformists (including physicians and nurses) and eulogized the rulers and their lackeys. In Italy, the demonstrators turned on the journalists and sent them packing “Vai via!”), knowing how they would be misrepresented (this video, and others, were censored by YouTube). The same in Australia.

First, it was the face masks that were the symbol of conformity, of obedience, of accepting the narrative without question. Now, it is the vaccine. And the Green Pass. “Green Pass is synonymous with freedom” is the Orwellian slogan.

What will be next? It is a wonder that the people in all those countries have not dragged the leaders and the propaganda peddlers out of their officers and hung them from the lampposts.

Part of the problems psychologically stems from what I call “novelty paralysis”: when being confronted with something so totally out of the ordinary, one is not sure how to respond and is even not sure of oneself. This occurred centuries ago with the pagans and early Christianity. The zealots would invade temples and desecrate them, ignoring the protests of the pagan worshipers. It was the first time that humanity had been confronted with fanaticism (they did not even have a word to describe it) and they were befuddled and helpless before the zealots’ activism and their declarations.

In 2016, after Donald Trump began his presidential campaign, most of the people that were going to attend his rallies were met with a line of leftists on the road who prevented the people from going where they wanted to go; likewise, rallies were called off because out of almost a thousand people in the venue, a dozen threw an anti-Trump tantrum and the rallies were called off. This was the case for almost two years. It was all unprecedented. Now, of course, if the situation was to reoccur, the thousand or so people would descend on these dozen totalitarians and gleefully pulverize them. Likewise, leftists who have blocked heavy traffic lanes because “black lives matter” or “Jussie Smollett is innocent” or “transgender bathrooms,” or other such BS have now experienced drivers who rammed their cars against the totalitarians, some even returning for another pass.

In European and north American countries, the population is experiencing “novelty paralysis” over two phenomena, totally unprecedented in human history.

The first, in its essence, is the bizarre fact that the leaders of these Western democracies are traitors to their countries. Historically, a traitor has been someone beneath the leader of that kingdom, either because he hates the ruler, or he wants to personally profit from his treason, or in the past century because the traitor opposed the prevalent philosophy of the country (capitalism, colonialism, communism, democracy, military belligerence, etc.). What we see today is the bizarre spectacle of the leaders of Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Holland, the UK, Austria, etc., being the traitors. They welcome “refugees” from Third World countries – contrary to the wishes of their citizens! – said “refugees” committing crimes against their citizens, disrupting the lives of the countries’ citizens, trashing neighborhoods, committing vandalism, and being openly hostile to the citizens, their democracy, their religion, etc. while simultaneously making outrageous demands. Indeed, these upper-level traitors often persecute their own citizens for putting up any resistance or saying anything (i.e., “hate speech”) that would hinder the destruction of their own country or that brings attention to the invaders’ criminal activities. This is a stealth invasion – albeit without weapons. In fact, it is the lack of weapons that makes this invasion so effective by inhibiting any military violence to repel the invaders (the “Morocco gambit”). It relies on Europeans’, Australians’, and Americans’ kindness and humanity and transforming those attributes into weapons against those very countries. In all this, the upper-level traitors are aided by the propaganda outlets which constantly demonizes the resistance as Nazis and fascists and racists and white supremacists and far right and neo-Nazis, and so on, while painting the invaders in syrupy sweet terms to the point of focusing on the lone child and mother in an invasion wave where one mother and a child can be found in five thousand immigrants.

Nor is it just pertaining to upper-level traitors welcoming jihadists from the Muslim countries and savages from Africa. There is also the matter of the Covid fraudulent panic. The deaths of people solely from Covid has been deliberately exaggerated, and “temporary” lockdowns and “temporary” emergency measures have been implemented or threaten to be re-implemented, all for the purpose of getting the peasants used to obedience and oppression by the rulers. In both instances, temporary cosmetic changes, or promises of them, have lulled some of the citizens.

Although there have been exceptions (Australia coming to mind – in excess), governments for the most part are playing the game of outwaiting the protests, because the protests are not actually affecting any part of society; there is no general strike, for example, no storming of the Bastilles, etc… The upper-level traitors are just waiting for the peasants to get tired and resigned to their fate, similar to what happened in Hong Kong in another semi-democratic regime and in Canada. These are the words of Mario Draghi, the representative of the senile, cynical, gerontocracy that is the Italian government: “Vogliamo difendere la normalità raggiunta”.

The second unprecedented phenomena which has created “novelty paralysis” is censorship in democratic countries. Hitherto, censorship was imposed from above, by the government. This is the first time in history where censorship has been imposed from the bottom up by a widespread number of fanatics – all thinking alike, all acting alike, all voting alike, all talking alike – collectively creating what I call “the media hivemind,” similar to Star Trek’s Borg. Daily, nay hourly, they crank out ideology and calls for obedience from the propaganda outlets (television, radio, newspapers, magazines) in the form of fake news, demonizing anyone who disagrees with their views and goals, distorting history and facts, and relegating opponents to oblivion so no one realizes that such people exist nor that conflicting events occurred. They are superbly talented at brainwashing the public without the public realizing what the hivemind is doing, utilizing a number of tried-and-true tactics. What causes the paralysis is that, if the censorship and propaganda came from the government, the public would automatically know it as censorship, but when censorship guidelines are not officially announced by the government, then few recognize it for what it is. Consequently, many parts of the public have unquestioningly incorporated the bogus pandemic panic and the slogans of Diversity and Inclusion, and that they, the citizens, must be tolerant and welcoming the invaders, that anyone who opposes the invaders – or, for that matter the odious Green Pass, or lockdowns, or forced vaccines – is a racist, a fascist, a Nazi, etc.

Demonstrations of thousands against the ruling classes, or the various nefarious tactics and goals of the ruling class, are reported in the media as being a few dozen – when they are reported at all – and when they are reported they either they give ten seconds’ worth of coverage followed by twenty minutes’ coverage to other persons fulminating on how evil and racist those patriots are, or exclusively focus on some individual moron in the demonstration saying something really stupid. The only source of facts and opposing viewpoints has become the samizdat (the internet), but even here it is limited.

Conformity, mindless conformity, has been promoted by the upper-level traitors in all of these countries, with a sizeable percentage of the citizens eagerly bowing their heads to the permanent temporary emergency while hating those who won’t. It is this conformity that has aided the criminalization of freedom. In such an atmosphere, docility has been achieved, the docility of sheep and cattle prior to the slaughter. 

Those who realize what is going on, and what must be done to arrest and defeat of the onrushing dictatorship nonetheless tip toe around the idea, even afraid of voicing it.

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